So yeah! I was once in a relationship with a really nice guy, cute and good looking. It’s quiet difficult to convince people that I was in a relationship, an inordinate relationship at that.
A lot of people have an impression of me being an angel from birth but no, you should come to agree that I wasn’t holy from my mother’s womb.
So, I had an affair with this guy and I tell you, he looked so fascinating to me before I began to date him. His words were super sweet and he was such a generous guy.
I tell you, he didn’t ask me out with regular words, many heart trapping gifts were what he captured my heart with. I remember that the first gift he got me was a sweet tasting juice. I took it and I wanted more.
But then, I was a junior secondary school student and my parents didn’t give me and my siblings liberty to buy what we wanted by ourselves then, they wouldn’t give us money except it’s necessarily needed.
I was a Pastor’s child, I still am. And so, I have been taught from childhood that premarital relationship isn’t right for me and so, I wasn’t ready to give in to his desire to date me. But again, I liked his gifts, the juice, especially!!!
My mom had a thing against overly sweet juice, so she wouldn’t get it for me even if I asked her. I was left with only an option, to keep relationship with him and continue getting the juice freely. Ofcourse, I only drank it in school, I dare not take it home.
I didn’t want to be his girlfriend because of what my parents had trained us with, but I resolved to keep smiling at him and act like I was going to date him later, though I didn’t mean it.
And yes, it worked for a whole term in JSS 2 then, but he would get tired of the false hope I was giving him and threatened to stop buying me goodies if I wasn’t going to date him.
At this time, I couldn’t stop myself from taking his gifts anymore. I always had a little more than my friends in class and was always giving them out of what he buys for me.
I told my classmates about how he said he was going to stop playing with me and buy gifts for me and what do you think they would say?
They encouraged me to date him, of course they wouldn’t want the goodies I was sharing with them stop.
I started dating this guy and it felt like a beautiful thing at first.
He would help me with my assignments and keep my company and yes, he was too smart. He made sure he kept me secure from being exposed to my parents all those times when we had a thing together.
He had all the lies I needed to keep safe from my siblings and parents. He was that smart and tricky. I was always in awe of how he gets inspiration of the lies he always had to teach me to tell my parents. And I tell you, my parents were always caught being deceived.
My boyfriend had all the promise you could think of for me. He didn’t have money on his own, he was young too, though a bit older than me. But his parents are well to do and so he was always promising me an access to all that he had access to.
I was such a naive girl, I could not think if all he was promising me were just fantasy. After all, I was having my juice from him to drink.
I was at a point drained by this relationship. I felt entangled, it was as though I was in a shackle. But then, I couldn’t just get myself off him. It wasn’t his gifts anymore, I just couldn’t leave him though I was most uncomfortable.
This guy I called a boyfriend would lure me to do something bad, I would do it all because I loved him. You wouldn’t believe that he would be the first person to condemn me after I have been caught doing that thing.
There were times my parents had issues with my strange movements and attitude at home. At this time, I was already being rude to my siblings, thinking that I had a boyfriend and they didn’t have.
My parents rebuked me and my boyfriend told me to leave the house to show them that I was being angry.
I did with the confidence that it was my boyfriend that instructed me. My parents found me later in the evening that day, they beat the hell out of me.
I told him about it and you needed to see how he condemned me for leaving the house. I couldn’t believe my ears. Same person that told me to leave the house. Things like this were what always happened.
He taught me to stop telling my parents about everything. He told me I needed not to be accountable to anyone and that he was enough for me.
He was the same person that told me that masturbation was not a sin and it was only a way of satisfying my sexual urges that were natural.
What bad did this guy not teach me! He made me feel better than everyone around me because I had him.
He taught me how to make my decision with my senses and made me see how sharp I was and didn’t need to pray before I made decision. It was from him I first heard the word, “follow your heart”.
At a point, he was making me feel like I was a less privileged being a Pastor’s child and my parents who were ministers were reasons why I could not explore my adolescent life to its fullest.
You wouldn’t believe that I began to hate my parents and always questioned God for giving me to pastors.
I craved freedom so badly, I was desperate about growing up enough to be in the university.
Anytime he condemns me for the same thing he had taught me to do, I would feel like the worst person on earth. I would resolve to telling my parents about my affair with him so they can help me end the relationship.
But just then would he come with his tricks again. He would get his gifts and tell me how much he loves me. He would remind me of how I need him to satisfy my emotional needs.
Maybe I have not mentioned that he was the one who introduced me to porns. He would always turn his phone on to see them when he’s with me and we would watch together.
It felt so much like I was in jail. Little me in such strong shackles!
Oh! I must tell you of my freedom. It was one of those days he came condemning me for the same thing he had taught me to do. My head was banging at such silent battle I was fighting. Who could I have told about this!
My parents would be disappointed hearing that I had been in this, so I thought. But no, I could not hold it.
I broke down in tears and began to speak to Jesus of how tired I was about this relationship. I told him of how difficult it was for me to break up with him. I didn’t want him yet I could not leave him. I cried and cried until I was moved to go to the sitting room and talk to my parents about it.
I got to them and told them all that I have been into since I was in JSS 2. I was in Senior Secondary School one (1) at this time I was opening up to my parents.
Oh really! I could not have thought that my parents knew him and his parents. They knew his father to be a dubious man, who accumulated his wealth with lots of evil means.
Their son who I called my boyfriend was said to have been expelled from school because of his notorious acts. He had many evil acts in his hands. Who could have told me about all these!
At that point, I felt so humiliated. To have been at the mercy of such an ugly guy all these while irritated me.
I dedicated my life to Jesus and asked Him to give me power to become His son.
Well, he called me after that time and came with his regular words again. Thank God I was bold enough to tell him I didn’t have a relationship with him anymore and he had no authority over me anymore.
“I am now in another relationship. I am engaged to a good man, who truly loves me and gave Himself to me. He is by name Jesus.” Those were my words to him. And that brought me much freedom.
I hope you would not be surprised if I told you he came again several times after then to lure me to himself, but my words were always the same. I would remind him of my new relationship with Jesus. Now, I am finally free from him.
You care to know the name of my ex? I think I want to tell you so you wouldn’t be a victim of his tricks too, his name is sin and his father (sponsor) is Satan.
In case you are his present girl friend and maybe he’s been giving you his uniquely sweet but deadly juice, I feel most grateful today that you are reading this from me. The juice he gives taste sweet but it is poison, it kills.
Sin is such an ugly thing, it appears to be beautiful to a soul whose eyes has not been opened. Satan, who bears the fruits of sin likes to be hidden from the sight of men. But the light of Jesus is what exposes him in his true colour, he is such an ugly being, one who you should trample upon by the power resident in Jesus.
Guess what? Jesus wants to have you for Himself and save you from sin, the power of Satan. Just a sincere call on Jesus would set you free and lunch you into the marvelous light of Christ. Call Him today and recieve His life.
You can be free like I am!
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