Numerous businesses have refused to soar and some of those who have soared are back at square one. If there is anything wrong, it is most times the business strategies.

Starting a business is only some of what matters in business planning or the journey of being a business person. It is often said, that if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

Lack of brand strategy is one of the core reasons countless businesses fail in the 21st century. This is so because many people are now in the business sphere, and hence we have a saturated field of businesses.

To succeed in business, one crucial thing that should come to mind is Brand strategizing because, in its absence, a company will just be running on trial and error without knowing which exact direction to follow.

Just like a traveller will need a map, so also does a business person need a business strategy. In this article, we will go through the best key elements of brand strategies to implore in making your business stand out in 2023.

What Is A Brand Strategy? 

Brand strategy is what sets you apart from other competitors, it is what defines your uniqueness in the market economy.

Brand strategy is part of a business plan that outlines how the company will build rapport and favourability within the market. The goal of a brand strategy is to become memorable according to the consumer so that they decide to patronize your business over the competition.

There is often a misconception of what a brand strategy is and to clarify this, these are what a brand strategy is not:

  • Brand strategy is not a business name.
  • Brand strategy is not a logo.
  • Brand strategy is not solely your product.
  • Brand strategy is not having a website.

While all the above are central to brand strategizing, it is not the entirety of strategies to build a business from zero to hero.

A brand is more than just a name, a logo, or a product. It is sometimes ‘the hard to pin down attributes’ that distinguish it from other businesses or competitors.  

Another misconception that should be cleared is the concept of Brand, Brand identity, and branding.

What Is A Brand?

In business and marketing, the concept of what a brand is is referred to as that element that helps in the recognition of a company, product, or service. It is that trademark that distinguishes you from your competitors.

Brand Identity

This is the combination of visual representation and messaging that helps consumers identify a brand. This visual representation is what includes your logo, graphical elements, and typography. Your messaging includes the tone you use in the representation of your brand.


When it comes to branding, it is the entirety of what visual representation, messages among other plans you put into making your product, company, or service recognisable.

Having clarified all these, it is safe to proceed to the key composition of Brand strategizing.

Top 6 Key Elements Of Branding

In the business or marketing field, there are different strategies employed by different brands, companies, or service providers to ensure their feasibility or recognition but still, there are some elements that are binding to all strategies that we will be observing:

  • Brand Purpose
  • Consistency of the Brand
  • Brand’s Display of Emotion
  • Brand Flexibility
  • Brand Loyalty
  • Brand Competitive Awareness

Brand Purpose

A brand without a purpose is better not in the field of business because the aim with which you start a business is at the forefront of your brand.

Without purpose, it is difficult to convince yourself about your business and talk more of a client. It is important to know why you have a brand and what your brand stands to offer because it is with the purpose that you drive the growth of your business.

According to Business Strategy Insider, purpose can be viewed in two ways: Functionality and intentionality is core to the success of stipulating purpose. This simply denotes the ability to state the commercial necessity for the business and do good for the world. 

Consistency Of Brand 

“The key to consistency is to avoid talking about things that don’t relate to or enhance your brand.  Added a new photo to your business’s Facebook Page? What does it mean for your company? Does it align with your message, or was it just something funny that would, quite frankly, confuse your audience?

To give your brand a platform to stand on, you need to ensure your messaging is cohesive. Ultimately, consistency contributes to brand recognition, which fuels customer loyalty. (No pressure, right?)

To see a great example of consistency, let’s look at Coca-Cola. As a result of its commitment to consistency, every element of the brand’s marketing works harmoniously together.

“To avoid leaving potential customers struggling to put the disconnected pieces of your business together, consider the benefits of creating a style guide.

A style guide can encompass everything from the tone of voice you’ll use to the color scheme you’ll employ to the way you’ll position certain products or services. By taking the time to define and agree upon these considerations, your brand will benefit as a whole”.

Brand Display Of Emotion 

As a brand, knowing how to get your customers’ emotions is cogent. Consumers sometimes don’t buy what they need, they buy what calls to their emotions.

This speaks for why a consumer will buy a product 2x the price of another which will give the same effectiveness but the most appealing one is what the consumer goes for.

Although there is the case of preference being able to call their emotions attracts their allegiance to your brand too.

Brand Flexibility

Doing the same thing the old way and getting old results is the most archaic mentality anyone should ever have. As a brand, it is very significant to know when to toss old ideas that are yielding little or no results into the bin.

Flexibility denotes not being rigid in perspectives, that is, knowing when to switch an old model and adding sauce to an old one too.

Take the opportunity to engage your followers in fresh, new ways.

Are there some out-of-the-box partnerships your brand can make? Are there attributes about your product you never highlighted?

Use those to connect with new customers and remind your old ones why they love you.” 

Brand Loyalty

Brand loyalty refers to a consumer’s strong and consistent preference for a particular brand’s products or services over those of competitors.

It often involves a deep emotional connection and trust in the brand, leading customers to repeatedly choose and advocate for that brand.

Brand loyalty can result from positive experiences, perceived quality, and alignment with the customer’s values or preferences. It’s a key goal for companies, as loyal customers are more likely to continue buying from the brand and recommend it to others.

Clients form expectations and opinions based on how you present yourself as a business. This is known as perception, and it can be good or bad the perception they build about your brand either earns you their loyalty or you lose it.

Every experience with your business either strengthens or undermines a customer’s perception. To grow your business, make sure customer perceptions align with your branding.

Brand Competitive Awareness

One thing that should be known is that regardless of whatever business you are involved or engaged in at the moment, someone else is into it too.

This simply implies that as an enterprise, you have to be aware of your competitors as this makes you outdo them when required.

Folding hands and expecting consumers will take a while if you don’t take initiative from other competitors.

Watch what strategy they use, and devise a suitable one for your brand. Where they do not succeed, check their mistakes and implore means to up skill the method and make it work for your company.


The key elements of building a working strategy are creating a brand purpose, brand consistency, brand loyalty, and brand competitive awareness among others.

All of these are pivotal in knowing the right methods to deploy to give your organization an edge over other brands. 

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