Have you ever debated which device is ideal for you between a laptop and a phone? Infact, I recently did, so I guess it’s normal. For school usage, business and my copywriting class, I had to get a device.  Due to financial constraints, I had to choose between these two products. And I opted for a phone instead, let’s find out why I decided to choose between a phone instead of a laptop. Now, let’s discuss what a laptop is.

What Exactly Is A Laptop?

We are all familiar with what a laptop is, right?  It refers to a computer that you can place on (or on top of) the user’s lap and you can use which looks like a notebook. A laptop is a personal computer that can move from one place to the other. These are  the basic things about a laptop. There are still some features that we have to explore but let’s talk about a phone first.

What Is A Phone?

I don’t think there is a need to give you a definition about a phone but let’s give it a simple and brief definition. A phone is a mobile device used for making calls, sending messages and to communicate with others.

What Are The Key Differences Between A Laptop And A Phone?

So which is a better device between a laptop and a phone?  I mentioned earlier that I was contemplating on which device I should get for myself. A laptop or phone? and how I ended up choosing a phone. These are the factors I considered before opting for a phone.


Phones are smaller in size. It is a pocket sized device which means it can fit into your pocket and is easy to carry around with you. A laptop has to be in a bag or briefcase for movement from one place to another which makes it easier to lug around. A laptop also requires a flat surface for an easy operation.

Screen Size

The screen size of a phone and a laptop is very different. Laptops have bigger screens which range between 13 to 15 inches.  It also has a larger keyboard which makes typing easier compared to a phone. A phone’s  screen size is 6.2 inches. This makes a laptop much  better for tasks that need a lot of typing and large amounts of data.   A laptop is also easy on the eyes for movies as it has higher resolution . A phone also hinders fast typing as you cannot place  both hands  on the keyboard.


The storage capacity of a laptop is incomparable  to a phone. A laptop has a larger storage capacity as compared to a phone.  A laptop’s storage capacity is as high as 500gb. But a phone’s storage starts from 16gb and it can hang due to too many apps, videos and pictures.

Battery Lifespan

Phones have longer battery life than laptops. A phone can last for as long as two days but for a laptop it has a maxim of 5-6 hours. A laptop needs an external power source if used for a long time as compared to a phone.


Considering the price, a phone is cheaper than a laptop. You  can buy a phone with a budget of $300 upwards albeit it depends on the products.  But a laptop is more expensive compared to a phone. Its price range is from $700. It is advisable  to buy a phone if your budget is low


Phones get limited in cases such as installing some apps on it. There are things which a laptop possesses that a phone doesn’t such as managing mail, editing photos, curating playlist, writing and editing anything. Although,  there are updates on IOS, Android and all.  But, there are still some apps whose functionality will decrease on a phone.  Imagine, having to write a project on the phone. Phones are limited in their features such as the windows app. They can get done with better effectiveness on a laptop.


Did you know that the processing power of a laptop is different from a phone? A laptop can run more powerful software than a phone. The speed of both devices are very different as they work on different software. The processor of a laptop makes it more efficient compared to a phone. You can run lots of browsers, and it gives room for multi-tasking which you cannot do on a smartphone. Running lots of tabs on your phone might cause it to malfunction and make it overheat. In sum, a laptop will run much faster, especially at bigger tasks in comparison to a phone.  Since I have talked about the differences between these two gadgets. why don’t we talk about  their similarities also so you can be aware when you have to choose between the two.

Similarities Between A Laptop And A Phone

Here are the similarities between a laptop and a phone. They include:

  1. A laptop and a phone are both electronic powered devices. They both make use of internal batteries.
  2. Both devices can be used to surf the web such as Google, Chrome, Firefox, etc.
  3. It is also possible to use both devices to communicate with people through apps such as WhatsApp, Gmail, Skype, and Zoom.
  4. A laptop and a phone can be used to play different types of games. Although it is more thrilling if it is a combat game on a laptop than on a phone.
  5. Both devices can be used to watch movies. Although the laptop products proffers a higher definition image than a phone.

The similarities and differences which we have considered should give you a guideline on which products to use, if you are getting a new device.

Why Should You Consider Choosing A Phone Over A Laptop?

Most individuals usually own a phone and a laptop but there are times we have to choose between the two. We have to weigh the pros and cons. We have compared the two gadgets and I told you I chose for myself a phone. So now let’s talk about the reason I chose a phone.


The first item I considered was the price. Phones are cheaper than laptops, not surprising right? A phone is quite affordable compared to a laptop so one of the things you have to consider is the price. A phone price ranges between 50,000 in Naira and above while a laptop ranges between 100,000 in Naira and above. The difference in price is quite obvious right?.


Second item on my list was how easy it was to carry around.  I cannot always carry a laptop every time I attend a class or have something to do. It also takes time to switch a laptop on for usage. I also need to receive and make calls, which I cannot get done with your laptop. Since it cannot be  switched on all day which also leads to the problem of battery life. A laptop cannot also last as long as a phone. But, the laptop also has its own advantages.  A laptop usually has a larger storage capacity; it could be as high as 500GB. It also makes typing faster as it has a larger keyboard. The ultimate decision bores down on your preference. In consideration to the differences listed between a phone and a laptop. The laptop has more leverage on a phone but one of the deciding factors of me choosing a phone over a laptop is the price.

3 WHYs To Note Before Making Your Decision

Before moving in the conclusion let’s do a 3 why’s technique on why a phone is better from my own perspective. Let’s start, it was mentioned that phones are portable so let’s start with that.

  1. Why is portability important? Portability is important because it gives people the freedom to take their phone with them wherever they go.
  2. The next “why” is: “Why is the freedom to take your phone with you important? The freedom to take your phone with you is important. This allows you to stay connected with friends, family, and work even when you’re away from home.
  3. You’re on a roll! Okay, here’s the next “why”: “Why is staying connected important? Staying connected is important because it helps us feel less isolated and more a part of a community. Connection with others is an important part of our well-being.


Which device is right for you between a phone and laptop? Choosing the best device depends on your needs and preferences. If you need a device with larger storage and screen, then a laptop is the best for you. But if you are in need of a device that is easier to carry  around then you can opt for a phone.  With a laptop you don’t have to worry about it getting stolen  or damaged.  Since laptops get kept  in a bag or briefcase but you have to worry about that in a phone.  Also, with phones, it is easier for you to engage in social activities, make and receive calls. Both products have their pros and cons . But your choice depends on your preference and need and most crucial is your budget.

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